The Imagination Station Headquarters!

The Imagination Station Headquarters!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The NYC Blueprint for the Arts: The art teachers Bible!

I remember in Nov. 2003 (my first forgettable year!) going to a training for the Blueprints that NYC had just published. They are guidelines or a road map of what the students should be able to do by 2nd grade, 5th Grade and so on. The training was at some hotel in Midtown, and sooo many teachers came. Honestly it was very unorganized and all these teachers rushed the doors and took large beautiful books called the Blueprints for the arts. The book had visual arts, music and dance (and I believe technology). There were thousands of these books, totally free of charge. Well, the trainings were expensive but my school graciously provided my funds. They were trainings to allow art teachers all over the city to understand how and why art is relevant and important to a well rounded curriculum. Over the years the trainings have become cheaper to the point of free, and I believe you have to special order the books now which are way smaller! They have provided me with information to feel confident and prepared, and I'm not sure where I would be without the invaluable trainings. Please take a look and see if this can help your curriculum in your classroom, or perhaps you want to implement some of these great art ideas into your rainy days at home! Hope this helps...Brian

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